Admin integration¶
django-reversion can be used to add rollback and recovery to your admin site.
Using the admin integration’s preview feature will restore your model inside a temporary transaction, then roll back the transaction once the preview is rendered.
method, along with any pre_save
and post_save
signals, will be run as part of the preview transaction. Any non-transactional side-effects of these functions (e.g. filesystem, cache) will not be rolled back at the end of the preview.
The raw=True
flag will be set in pre_save
and post_save
signals, allowing you to distinguish preview transactions from regular database transactions and avoid non-transactional side-effects.
Alternatively, use transaction.on_commit() to register side-effects to be carried out only on committed transactions.
The admin integration requires that your database engine supports transactions. This is the case for PostgreSQL, SQLite and MySQL InnoDB. If you are using MySQL MyISAM, upgrade your database tables to InnoDB!
Registering models¶
Register your models with a subclass of reversion.admin.VersionAdmin.
from django.contrib import admin
from reversion.admin import VersionAdmin
class YourModelAdmin(VersionAdmin):
Whenever you register a model with django-reversion, run createinitialrevisions.
If you’ve registered your models using reversion.register(), the admin class will use the configuration you specify there. Otherwise, the admin class will auto-register your model, following all inline model relations and parent superclasses. Customize the admin registration by overriding VersionAdmin.register().
Integration with 3rd party apps¶
You can use reversion.admin.VersionAdmin as a mixin with a 3rd party admin class.
class YourModelAdmin(VersionAdmin, SomeModelAdmin):
If the 3rd party model is already registered with the Django admin, you may have to unregister it first.
class YourModelAdmin(VersionAdmin, SomeModelAdmin):
A subclass of django.contrib.ModelAdmin
providing rollback and recovery.
revision_form_template = None
A custom template to render the revision form.
Alternatively, create specially named templates to override the default templates on a per-model or per-app basis.
recover_list_template = None
A custom template to render the recover list.
Alternatively, create specially named templates to override the default templates on a per-model or per-app basis.
recover_form_template = None
A custom template to render the recover form.
history_latest_first = False
, revisions will be displayed with the most recent revision first.
reversion_register(model, **options)
Callback used by the auto-registration machinery to register the model with django-reversion. Override this to customize how models are registered.
def reversion_register(self, model, **options): options["exclude"] = ("some_field",) super().reversion_register(model, **options)
The model that will be registered with django-reversion.
Registration options, see reversion.register().